Note 7,839

Note 7,839 It wasn't so long ago that I was excited by 5,000 notes. Today I have over 7,800 notes in Evernote.

5,800 notes created

5,800 notes created This is the 5 thousand and 8 hundredth note I have created in Evernote.

Note 5,555

Note 5,555 5 thousand, 5 hundred and fifty five notes. I have created another 5 notes since Feb 22, 2016 (2 days ago).

Note 5,550

Note 5,550 I have created another 50 notes since Feb 16, 2016 (6 days).

Note 5,500

Note 5,500 5 thousand and 500 notes Since Oct 2015, I have created 500 new notes. Yay!! :)

Note 5,000

Note 5,000 This is note five thousand. Yay! :)

Note 4,444

Note 4,444 I have created Four thousand, four hundred and forty four notes. Yay! :)

500 Notes!

500 Notes! This is the 500th Note created. 11:21 am Tuesday 6 August 2013 A look back in history when I was so excited to be creating my 500th note. Now I have 4,273 (this note)!